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Rob Newman & Leanne • About
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Rob Newman Photographer & Singer - Leanne a Pianist & Graphic / Website Designer.
Rob arrived in Basingstoke with his family in 1973 through the Greater London Expanding Towns scheme, which provided him with a home and a job. Over the 50 years he has spent here, Rob developed strong roots and a great passion for the town, inspiring him to record and photograph modern Basingstoke, beginning this journey in 2018. Rob came to Basingstoke with hopes for a new and better life, and claims that he has never been disappointed, “It’s given me everything.” Rob’s three passions in life are Basingstoke, photographing Basingstoke, and singing around Basingstoke. He has provided free entertainment with his musical partner Leanne, who is a pianist and website designer for local care homes, charities, and community organisations. Basingstoke’s Heritage Captured, which is Rob and Leanne’s website started in 2018 and focuses on Basingstoke’s people, architecture, nature, transport, historical and memorable events and much more. In 2023, Rob and Leanne gained the confidence to begin entertaining the Basingstoke community with their music in public of inspirational songs from films and musicals, with their goal of enriching the local culture through street entertainment and performing arts. They can be heard in various locations around Basingstoke, including Fountains Square, Basingstoke Railway Station, the Haymarket Theatre and the Town Square. Rob and Leanne stress the importance of music and their wish to use music to help those who may be struggling with depression or dementia, which may link people to their personal memories.

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